Tuesday, July 29, 2008

sunday funday sounded like a good idea at the time

date: 07.28.2008
from: DM/Sailor
to: Sailor/DM
re: oh god, what were we doing out until 3am last night...

@ 8:36 am from Sailor to DM

"I'm a mess"

@ 8:49 am from DM to Sailor


@ 9:36am from Sailor to DM

"I can't see straight... literally"

@ 9:38am from DM to Sailor

"I dropped my ice coffee on the ground in Dunkin Donuts. I couldn't handle it, so I just left. I can't go back there for a while."

@ 9:40am from Sailor to DM

"Omg... thats (sic) amazing. I took my shower this morning sitting down."

@ 12:19pm from DM to Sailor

"There's thirty percent chance I vomit in the next five minutes"

Note: Damn we're a classy bunch...

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