Saturday, August 21, 2010

txting like a 'tween is the new hotness??

date: 08.13.2010
from: KB
to: CS
re: Omg great news to share... get to the bar asap...

@ 925pm

"What the heck! R u with skalocky? U guys r tricking me! Mat and i just spent 60 bones on snacks and i'm in bed watching some dvr chelsea lately!"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

i do like it when things come back around

date: 07.28.10
from: EB
to: DM
re: i cannot believe you are missing tonight's amazing re-discovery!


"Wednesday is the new Wednesday!"

Thursday, January 28, 2010


date: 01.15.2010
from: CM
to: DM
re: i'm excited to head up to the mountains tomorrow to go skiing!

@ 636pm

"Me too! I'm drinking in AC right now... hopefully I wont be too hungover tomorrow"

@ 229pm (the following day)

"Omg, I'be been throwing up all morning. Not good. I'm gonna try to get my act together now. My new goal is to leave here around 330"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a new twist on an old classic

date: 01.15.2010
from: MY, m.d.
to: DM
re: we might be drinking heavily while watching old Jim "the Hammer" Shapiro commercials

ed note: video links might be required

@ 1120pm

"You Call. I bourbon."

@ 1122pm

"It's jim.. The Bourbon... Shapiro!"

@ 1126pm

"I CANNOT hand you their severed heads!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

when bad news tastes so good

date: 01.11.2010
from: CS
to: DM
re: the dangers of baking

"I have good news and bad news, and it's actually the same thing. The peanut butter brownies I made are delicious. You're taking them all. I have no willpower."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the challenges of adjusting to a new job

date: 12.09.09
from: CS
to: DM
re: it’s taking longer than expected to train my new co-workers

“I’m about ready to die here at work. These people haven’t learned not to bother me when I’m hungover”

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

our strenous race-week training regimen

date: 12.11.2009
from: GMG
to: DM
re: the 5k is in two days -- better check in with our coach about pre-race nutrition

“What does Coach Shattuck say about needing a coffee and bushmills before 4pm?”

Monday, January 18, 2010

dedication to the cause

date: 01.09.2010
from: AM, esq.
to: DM
re: yes -- we closed down the bar last night and were kinda hammered, but...

@ 148pm

"I know not how or why, but I find myself on the way to a pub crawl... this is a terrible idea."

questions to which there are no real answers

date: 10.19.2009
from: PPF
to: DM
re: trying to meet boys in bars is weird

"Dude, i'm like 99% sure that the guys who were just hitting on me and liz are gay. What do we do?"

Friday, January 15, 2010

good to know we are all really maturing as we grow older

date: 01.13.2010
from: CS
to: DM
re: saw this sign and thought of you...

"That's what SHE said..."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

john williams is real awesome at movie scores

date: 12.11.2009
from: D.B. Reid, Esq.
to: DM
re: getting pumped on a Friday night the best way I can think of

“The Asteroid field music from Empire is so legit.”

Monday, January 11, 2010

why don't i get to go on company trips like that?

date: 09.29.2009
from: CS
to: DM
re: hospitality industry conferences are cut from a different cloth

"The conference just ended for the day, and alexis and I had a beer chugging contest with the 40 year olds from amex at our booth. They def beat us."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

do not stand in the way of a lawyer and his late night KFC

date: 10.07.2009
from: MR, Esq
to: DM
re: our discussions at finnerty's gave me a hankering, but KFC might have let me down...

"Motherf-ing line was too MOTHER F-ING long... at next opportunity, we must do a kentucky grilled chicken tasting"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

adding insult to injury... or at least to a delayed flight

date: 07.27.2009
from: GMG
to: DM
re: my red-eye flight from the west coast was delayed four hours

"Just switched my phone back to 430am eastern. There is no where to buy scotch in the SEA airport. Not legit."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

spreading the beer pong gospel to lands far and wide

date: 10.17.2009
from: AM, Esq
to: DM
re: they may not have known about it before, but i showed them the way

"Let it be known, i have made 'gentleman's tightening' an institution"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

that noted holiday favorite -- Return of the Jedi

date: 12.24.2009
from: DBR, Esq.
to: DM
re: my girlfriend is totes into star wars, but i don't think her sister is buying it

"Courtney is an apostate"

Monday, January 4, 2010


date: 10.09.2009
from: CHo
to: DM
re: last night got a little rough and tumble

"I barfed at the casino. Totes. Then I ate nachos and wings and passed out."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

back before the jersey shore became "Jersey Shore"

date: 07.25.2009
from: CM
to: DM
re: where MTV probably got the idea for the show


"This bar is ridic... i don't even know who to take pics of. everyone here is dressed like a guido."


"i mean, he's wearing fur"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

the nerve of some people

date: 10.24.2009
from: CS
to: DM
re: my bff is causing trouble

"Lizzy is making me drink and have fun again."

Friday, January 1, 2010

well, this is a new one to be blamed for

date: 10.31.2009
from: PPF
to: DM
re: you should know not to leave me alone with my phone after mindight!!

"Apparently I called my mom at 2am last night. Why didn't you stop me??"