Thursday, December 31, 2009

the hamptons are not always that awesome

date: 11.07.2009
from: BH
to: DM
re: you wanna go out and get a few beers tonight in brooklyn?

"D! Hey, i'm out in southhold helping both parents with manual labor... winterizing the house for mom and helping dad with his move. Brutal."

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

western kansas can occasionally kinda sorta be fun

date: 12.24.2009
from: CS
to: DM
re: life back home for christmas isn't all bad... i guess


"I'm sitting in my friend's hot tub, in the snow, drinking irish coffees. Kansas does have a few upsides to it."


"Let's see... I've been to the mall, the liquor store, my favorite mexican restaurant, & now I'm back at my grandma's watching football. I really can't complain. :)"

@ 600pm

"Dodge City's great when you are here for 3 days or less. I just found out the opened Boothill Casion, so that might provide an extra night of entertainment. The casino is built right off of Wyatt Earp Blvd... no joke."

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the aftermath of your birthday, part two

date: 07.16.2009
from: CHu
to: DM
re: last night got out of hand

@ 3:16pm

"Well, I took shots. Like a lot. Then I blacked out and talked to your roommate about the lakers for an hour. Maybe two. I'm so embarassing"

@ 3:47pm

"And then I called out sick today."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

opinon, difference there of

date: 11.15.2009
from: AM, Esq.
to: DM
re: if i've told you once, i've told you a thousand times

“When will u learn that sports will never replace alcohol?”

family connections

date: 11.15.2009
from: NM
to: DM
re: thinking of you, brother

“Hey oh! Listen what i say oh… Practicing my air guitar in the bar tonight!”

Saturday, December 26, 2009

some nights, even nyc can forget about the yankees

date: 11.20.2009
from: SM
to: DM
re: hey look, mets fans aren't totally alone after all!

"The Empire State Building is a mets fan!"

Friday, December 25, 2009

christmas present for the sister's fiancee

date: 12.25.2009
from: MM
to: DM
re: sabres gear FTW

"Thanks for drafting me for the team."

local rules may not apply in other juristictions

date: 10.11.2009
from: AM, Esq.
to: DM
re: the rules of beer pong

"You guys lied! No one else has heard of 'gentleman's tightening' The people i'm playing with looked at me all weird when i asked 4 it..."

the things i go through for you

date: 09.03.2009
from: AM, Esq.
to: DM
re: the elusive jason cason

"I am dealing with a cab of DBR, Esq. and Eva fighting re: Superman just to meet Jason, so he BETTER be there!"

when vacation plans go slightly awry

date: 09.05.2009
from: LP
to: DM
re: i made it to Ocean City... how's Nantucket?

"Glad you made it! I, on the other hand, ran into my brother unexpectedly, got wasted, slept through my alarm and missed my flight. I'm now getting in at 4pm. Ooops."

being 30 isn't all bad

date: 06.20.2009
from: Angel
to: DM
re: age and guile will beat youth and ability every time

"Haha. i DID just beat some 19 yr olds in a PBR chugoff. cuz i'm classy."

home for the holidays

date: 12.20.2009
from: Mom
to: DM
re: are you coming home soon?

"It's wine-thirty. Hurry back. love."

the aftermath of your birthday, part one

date: 07.14.2009
from: CHu
to: DM
re: you may have peaced out at 1am, loser, but some of us are still rocking out like champs

"I'm at a bar at 3am on a fucking wednesday. I blame you, DM. Happy Birthday. Love youuuuuuuuuu"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

shit like this is why i do not live in queens

date: 10.31.2009
from: CSm
to: DM
re: i had to make some last minute adjustments to the Marathon Party menu

"Long Island City is hell hole and I couldn't find muffin mix or cinnamon rolls, so I'm gonna have banana bread and bagels instead. Everything else should be set."

Monday, December 7, 2009

a scout must always be prepared to deal with adversity

date: 11.12.09
from: AH
to: DM
re: really, it just means you get a head start on drinking on the plane

"Bad news -- flight delayed 3 hours so I'm stuck in Newark til 11pm. Good news -- Heineken Lounge"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

when the desire for one last free drink trumps the knowledge that you have work in the morning

date: 10.12.09
from: AH
to: DM
re: i took the red-eye home last night after three nights in Vegas


“I am beyond miserable right now”


“Well be happy you’re not at work. I’m a walking zombie"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

where there's drinking and debauchery, there's almost always stupid bets

date: 09.07.2009
from: GMG
to: DM
re: last night we got into the Old Raj, drank almost everything in my house, and ended up taking the “eat the ghost pepper” challenge…

“I tried to take a picture of the epic disaster that is my kitchen right now, but my hands were shaking too badly to get a clear shot.”