Friday, December 26, 2008

well at least he's humble about it

date: 12.23.2008
from: JC
to: DM
re: i won the fantasy football league, chumps

"I am the champion, I am the champion, no time for losers because I am the champion... of the fumble fest!"

good question

date: 12.22.08
from: PPF
to: DM
re: despite drinking with you, i made it to the meadowlands and my team won!

"DM, how am I still wasted? Go giants!"

punctuation is for losers

date: 12.07.2008
from: SM
to: DM
re: the end of last night is a bit of a blur

@9:52 am

"Not sure how I got home woke up naked with all lights on and threw my nan's hand towel in the toilet -- I am a mess let me know if you want to hang out later"

@10:03 am

"Ps I'm still drunk and have a gold medal"

@ 10:58 am (re: what's the last thing you remember)

"Finnertys - I don't remember getting pizza, walking home, my apt, etc. I slept with all the lights on..."

@ 11:16 am

"Pps - it hurts to walk"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

the holiday spirit abounds

date: 12.09.2008
from: LMc
to: DM
re: people on the streets with their happy attitudes and their requests for money are so pleasantly deluded

"Do I look like I want to save the children?!"

the man draws a crowd

date: 12.11.2008
from: NM
to: DM
re: i hear the food preparation staff at the Imperial Wegmans is fantastic

"Guess where mom and I went for lunch"


date: 12.12.2008
from: SK
to: DM
re: i heard you had visitors at the cafe yesterday

"All the ladies come in for the eye candy..."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

sometimes you just go a little too hard out of the blocks

date: 12.06.2008

from: C-meth

to: DM

re: I think I'm black-out drunk and need to go home; I'll see you tomorrow

A series of drunken texts, in six parts



"Fmdrank" (sic)



"Too much"



"Will see u Saturday."






"Sorry wasted I"


(and finally, the morning follow-up)


"I don't know how we got back home. I just remember flowing shots of tequila."