Monday, November 30, 2009

everybody's a critic

date: 09.11.2009
from: SG
to: DM
re: planning awesome booze-fuelded adventures is just a cross i have to bear

“just got to atlantic city for the bachelorette party. Walking around the liquor store being a nazi with my filofax list of alcohol that is necessary to get us thru the weekend. I think the girls that don’t know me are judging.” 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

post beer-tasting event, things always get interesting

date: 10.03.2009
from: CMc
to: DM
re: it is perhaps possible that i was over-served at williamsburg freaktoberfest beer

note: these txts were sent from one side of an eight person table to another 

@ 7:07pm

"My status is beyond hammered”

@ 7:21pm

“I’m lit like a fucking Christmas tree. The fact that I made it from the bathroom back to this table is a miracle” 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

sports will unite us all -- especially if someone is about to score

date: 11.15.09
from: GMG
to: DM
re: those marketing bastards have struck gold again

"Btw I barely like football, but the NFL network Red Zone is the greatest channel of all time."

just another friday night in nyc, with our friend alcohol

date: 11.21.09
from: AM, Esq.
to: DM
re: i swear i wasn't that drunk when last i saw you

"Raise ur hand if u woke up fully dressed about ur covers at 7 am with little to no idea how u got there"

when cooking gets turned up to 11

date: 11.22.09
from: GMG
to: DM
re: preparations for thanksgiving are underway

"Set condition 'awesome' throughout the kitchen!"

what happens in Vegas... probably gets txted about

date: 10.10.2009
from: CS
to: DM
re: we've been in the desert less than a day and are already working off our third hangover

“Glad to know you both survived the first of many nights of Vegas debauchery! I didn’t know it was possible to get drunk 3 times in one day, but I should have known Sailor could do it.”

Friday, November 13, 2009

another former teetotaler sees the light

date: 10.17.09
from: AM
to: CR
re: to think, before booze i used to get to bed early and be able to spell at all hours of the night...


"You know whats fun! drionking"  (sic)