Wednesday, August 26, 2009

and you think you get down about YOUR job

date: 08/25/2009
from: LP
to: DM
re: my job is eating my life

@ 7:40pm

"I think I'm a corporate POW with a broken spirit"

@ 8:04pm

"I'm stuck at work because I'm a pathetic, pathetic pushover who exchanged my early 20s for the promise of a successful career. Damn that ambition!!"

@ 8:05pm

"Funemployment is sooooo much cooler."

@ 8:43pm

"I just nearly broke my finger packing up my office so I'm throwing in the towel -- work, you win today."

confusing sports metaphores about contraception and the stopping thereof

date: 08.23.2009
from: ET
to: DM
re: word on the street is that you and the missus have pulled the goalie (!?!?)

@ 3:44pm

"More like putting in a prevent defense against an unproven QB"

@ 5:14pm

"The wife corrected me. We're just putting in our third stringers."

note: i seriously have no idea what's going on here. are they trying to get pregnant or not? was she just sick of birth control? did they switch up regimes so she can get 'kinda pregnant'? i'm just baffled...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i'll take "great first dates" for $400

date: 06.13.09
from: Chu
to: DM
re: i love drinking

"I am so drunk I just vomd in the bathroom... I hope my date doesn't know"

jersey shore + beer + bike = great plan???

date: 06.06.2009
from: CM/DM
to: DM/CM
re: summer weekends are awesome

CM @ 4:11pm

"Omg bike bar crawl ooc (sic)... im at the 7th bar out of 14... ots gonna be disasterous."

DM @ 5:30pm

"Hahaha. Awesome. This can't end well."

DM @ 11:43pm

"So... anyone crash on your drunken bike adventure?"

CM @ 12:53pm (next day)

"i crashed"

DM @ 1:07

"Oh no! How bad?"

CM @ 1:36pm

"My chin is pretty bruised... some douchebag stopped short in front of me."

CM @ 1:47pm

"I'm a disgrace... it was prob one of the best days ever tho."

an aggressive start to the evening

date: 07.31.2009
from: SG
to: DM
re: how's your friday going?

"It's been a rough night already. Bleeding profusely from the leg as a result of dodgebeer and may or may not have a broken tailbone. Also already lost my underwear. Long story."