Sunday, March 23, 2008

the things you hear if you listen closely

date: 02.25.2008
from: LP
to: DM
re: the two people at the table next to us one monday night

"To us right -- such a first date. The convo is hilarious!"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

life with grandma at moheagan sun

date: 03.22.2008
from: JA
to: DM
re: luck was not a lady tonight... more like a tramp with a new jersey accent

@ 12:05 am

"Stupid, stupid black jack."

@ 1:05am

"Don't know if you've ever had the experience of being the 'Bad luck charm' for a table of old inveterate gamblers, but i don't recommend it."

keeping your eye on the ball

date: 03.20.2008
from: C-Mc
to: DM
re: important request while at bamboo 52

"There better be a drink waiting for me when I leave this bathroom."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

luck of the scottish

date: 03.17.2008
from: mom
to: DM
re: when st. patrick's day goes horribly wrong and gets crossed with mardi gras

"Dad just wandered in."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

the day continued without C-ho

date: 03.08.2008
from: SM
to: DM
re: her take on a Saturday full of drinking

@ 8:48pm
"So fing drunk. At black bear"

oh, saturday

date: 03.08.2008
from: C-Ho
to: DM
re: how's the day full of drinking going? (in two parts)


"Awesome. Am Wasted."


"Going home. So drunk."

one solution to hunger

date: 03.07.2008
from: JA
to: DM
re: the delicious bounty of delivery food we got for $20

"why are ethiopians starving? Can't they just order chinese?"

Monday, March 3, 2008

the stranger

date: 03.02.2008
from: RM
to: DM
re: who is the boy asleep in your bedroom

"it's a random dude I played beer pong with at a bar-- then I couldn't walk so he took me home"